Nov 30, 2012

offenbach house

If Offenbach is a house, how does it look like?

Something incredible happend to me. Yesterday I started watching flats again,
cause in January I maybe need a new home. My plan is, to move to the east
to get another impression of living in a different part of London. The flat
was in Roman Road, Bethnal Green. When I arrived there, I felt like: Okay,
this area is a bit strange, but in general I like strange things. Honestly:
I thought of Offenbach, the city where I lived in Germany before I came here.
Offenbach is known as the bad suburb of Frankfurt/Main (although its not bad
at all) and it has a genuine style. When I came closer to that area, which
is dominated by council blocks (social housing), I saw a sign: Offenbach House.
I could hardly believe what I saw. It is one of the really big houses
(the one in the middle of the picture).

Later, when I left the flat, which was in another block, I passed this wall,
where they put all the emblems of the cities and I got the proof:

Additional information: The girl, who was showing me the flat, is french.
When she visited this flat the first time, she was a bit shocked of the area
and the name of one of the other buildings, which is Puteaux House.
Puteaux is one of Paris' rough suburbs. Offenbach, they found the right
neighborhood for you.